Call of the Wreckin' Ball Songtext

Once in a while the colors go out of my eyes
And I start makin' lists, shakin' fists, fuckin' up again
"It's time," I said to your back, but you're not listening
So I turn, tail tucked between my legs, and just walk away
And I'm lying awake in my hospital room,
Listen to the call of the wreckin' ball

You're talking to a man who's been pushed one too many times
A man who's been pushed one too many goddamn times
I've seen every good friend that I had turn his back on me
And had ten thousand dreams of you still lying next to me
And I'm lying awake in my hospital room,
Listen to the call of the wreckin' ball

Now I'm face down and freezing, waiting for somebody new
And, as the walls come tumbling down, so does my heart
Now every last promise we made has been thrown away
And every "I love you" that we said was just fuckin' lies
And I'm lying awake in my hospital room,
Listen to the call of the wreckin' ball